The Cybertron Museum


Vector Sigma

I am Vector Sigma, Before Cybertron was, I was.  I will be your guide to the history of the Transformers.  From the Last Great War to the Rebirth of Cybertron as a Techorganic Planet.  Below are the three sections of this museum that you can visit (Transformers, Beast Wars, and Beast Machines).  Feel free to stay as long as you wish and learn about the History of Cybertron.  Please note that this museum is still under construction.




I do not own, nor do I claim anything to do with this great TV show (I was only 8 when it first started).  Anything that is in the bios from the year 1986 to 2004, is all made up, and should not be taken as what really happed during those lost years, so please do not e-mail me, asking were I got all of my Information from.  If you have any questions or comments e-mail me, and I will take them under advisement.


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